Our Story

Welcome to Brave Little Lions!

Our story began when our son, Niko, was diagnosed with Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), a type of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow, in February 2022. We very quickly nicknamed him our Brave Little Lion (after being admitted/ treated on Lion Ward at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London).

While supporting Niko through some dark, painful and unsettled times, we found ourselves needing something to focus on and take our minds away from our reality. We started tracking when we were expected to meet special milestones or deadlines and started looking for items to celebrate these. 

A year down the line we have seen first-hand how very few items there are available to raise awareness, celebrate and recognise when a milestone has been met for children with Cancer.
From diagnosis to active treatment, from milestones such as remission, reaching maintenance, receiving a transplant, to end of treatment or receiving the all-clear... these are all things that can be celebrated or recognised if the patient, family or caregivers wish to.
For this reason, the initial aim of Brave Little Lions was to create unique and personalised items to support children, siblings, families friends and all others affected by childhood cancer to celebrate any milestone they wish to.  
We have now decided to take our mission one step further. We have recently introduced accessible clothing. Niko, had severe anxiety around having his port-a-cath accessed and it was always very traumatic, for all of us. We decided to create an accessible t-shirt that he could open and close himself, giving him some control back over the situation and allowing him to be accessed without being undressed or restrained. After witnessing the difference these t-shirts have made, we decided to offer them to other oncology families. 
Today, Niko continues his fight and continues to show us his bravery, resilience, determination and his cheeky smile, every single day, despite the hardships, the hospital admissions and the endless quantities of medications! He helps me design t-shirts and loves seeing who they are sent to as well as photos of them being worn by his fellow cancer fighting friends (as he calls them, despite never having met most of them). We will do anything for Niko, as any parent would for their child, so it feels wonderful being able to support others fighting their own battles and hopefully making at least one battle, less of a fight.
Our Lions and Lionesses are the bravest of children. They have experienced pain and fought battles greater than most adults would have to in a lifetime! They are real life superheroes... remember, not all superheroes wear capes!